啟勝管理服務有限公司 - 啟勝物業 主頁 > 啟勝物業 住戶登入 物業名稱: 登入名稱: 密碼: 香港灣仔港灣道30號新鴻基中心2301室 電郵地址: ksms@kaishing.com.hk 電話: (852) 2828 5123 傳真: (852) 2827 1702 新鴻基地產成員 啟勝管理服務有限公司
香港九龍東區各界聯會 Kowlooneast | 歡迎來到 香港九龍東區各界聯會 Kowlooneast Website 香港九龍東區各界聯會於1991年成立至今已20年。本會會員範圍及服務對象涵蓋九龍東 (九龍城、黃大仙、觀塘三區)三大行政區工商業、社區及專業人士等,會員數目逾千人。
Notes for Guidance - Application for Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card by a person under the age of countries are regarded as Chinese citizens if they return to Hong Kong to settle, unless they make a declaration of change of nationality to the HKSAR Immigration Department and the declaration has been approved. (Note: “Settled” means ordinarily resident
Practising Registration of Hong Kong resident as Certified Tax Agent ("註冊稅務師") in the Mainland In their letter to the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department (IRD) dated 9 May 2008, the State Administration of Taxation (SAT) confirmed the acceptance of the relevant experience obtained by Hong Kong residents in Hong Kong for purposes of practising ...
GovHK: Residents - 香港政府一站通 Information and services for local Residents by the Hong Kong Government. Catergories include Communications & Technology, Culture, Leisure & Sports, ...
GovHK: Loss of Hong Kong Permanent Resident Status Loss of Hong Kong Permanent Resident Status.
GovHK: Meanings of Right of Abode and Other Terms Meanings of Right of Abode and Other Terms.
Hong Kong residents - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Hong Kong residents (Chinese: 香港居民), also called Residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, according to the Hong Kong Basic Law ...
II. Hong Kong permanent residence - Community Legal Information ... II. Hong Kong permanent residence. The legal status of permanent resident of Hong Kong may be acquired by any person, regardless of whether they have ...